Category «Background Comment»

The United Kingdom’s Population Dynamics: Net Migration and Declining Population

The population dynamics of the United Kingdom have been a subject of considerable debate and analysis, particularly in recent years. Two critical factors influencing these dynamics are net migration and the declining birth rate, both of which play a significant role in shaping the future demographic landscape of the country. Net Migration: A Sustaining Force …

The Jevons Paradox

The Jevons Paradox, named after the English economist William Stanley Jevons, describes a counterintuitive economic phenomenon in which improvements in the efficiency of resource use lead to an overall increase rather than a decrease in resource consumption. This occurs because the increased efficiency lowers the effective cost of using the resource, which can lead to …

The Flip, The Formation, and The Fun

Let’s work to bring these shifts in consensus reality into being. JONATHAN ROWSON Share I’ve had a few more thoughts about the inner life of the future and my mind has given birth to another conceptual triplet. Please forgive me. It’s really rather embarrassing, but just the way my mind works at the moment, enchanted by the …

Existing Localism in the UK

There are areas in the UK where localism prevails, often characterized by a strong sense of community, local governance, and a focus on local economy and services. Localism in these areas typically emphasizes the importance of local decision-making, community involvement, and supporting local businesses and initiatives. Some notable areas where localism is particularly prominent include: …

Alternative Energy Technologies

The assumption that technological research and development will produce new energy sources to overcome the decline in the availability of fossil fuels is both hopeful and supported by several trends. However, the likelihood and timeline for this transition are subject to various factors. Here are key points to consider: Progress in Alternative Energy Technologies Challenges …

A long piece about the UK when it becomes faced with unaffordable fossil fuel prices

My prompts are italicised and underlined How will the uk growth-oriented top-down culture develop when faced with unaffordable fossil fuel prices, a shrinking economy, and declining prosperity?  It will evolve into a different culture.  What will the essence of that culture be? ChatGPT As the UK confronts the dual challenges of unaffordable fossil fuel prices …

Global Depopulation – Did Global Fertility Rates Fall Below Replacement Levels in 2023

An AEI article on the latest United Nations data warns that global fertility rates are collapsing. And faster than most have predicted. Author of the article, Patrick Norrick, says fertility rates are collapsing even faster than most people realise today. This is based on data from the United Nations Population Division’s World Population Prospects (WPP) …

Mould:  The not-so-silent threat in people’s homes

In January 2023, I wrote about the silent threat lurking in people’s homes.  Surveyors have reported a tenfold increase in calls from worried landlords and homeowners who have discovered damp and mould hiding in their ­properties – and threatening to cause chaos. And how today’s standards may be tomorrow’s problems. Sooner than I expected, the BBC website …

Changing Priorities in a Shrinking Economy

There is a problem. The economy is shrinking. So, the relative priority of the blocks will be different from my implicit assumption, with some aspects fading into history. How should I deal with this? ChatGPT says: Addressing the changing priorities in a shrinking economy for your “Orcop – Prospecta” website involves acknowledging the shifting context …

The Replacement of Renewables

The following are copies of an exchange of comments on Tim Morgan’s Surplus Energy Blog confirming my view that the current policies being followed worldwide are misguided. ***** The resource requirements for RE expansion and replacement are enormous and would place vast demands on the legacy FF energy needed to access and process them.  Even …

Building houses in a shrinking economy

Me: Write a piece about where to build houses in a shrinking economy related to watersheds dealing with drinking water, flooding, generating electricity, animal farming and communication ChatGPT In the face of a shrinking economy, strategic decisions regarding housing development become even more crucial. As communities navigate challenges such as dwindling resources and environmental concerns, …

The central tenets of economic evolution

One of the central tenets of economic evolution is the concept of competition.  Just as organisms compete for limited resources in the natural world, firms compete for market share, customers, and profits in the economic realm.  This competition drives innovation, efficiency gains, and the selection of superior business models, much like natural selection favors traits …

Economics as an Evolutionary Process

Write a piece about economics as an evolutionary process ChatGPT Economics, as an evolutionary process, embodies the intricate dance of human interactions, resource allocation, and adaptation within dynamic environments. Rooted in the foundational principles of scarcity, choice, and opportunity cost, economic systems evolve over time, shaped by the interplay of diverse factors such as technology, …

Religion in localism

This piece is speculative.  Examples of what happens are required. In localism, religion may take on a unique and diverse character shaped by each community’s specific values, traditions, and histories. While some localist communities may adhere to established religious institutions and practices, others may embrace more eclectic or alternative forms of spirituality. At the core …

Do discretionary and essential spending and markets apply in localism?

Will the concepts of discretionary and essential spending and markets apply in localism when the economy is based on families and extended families? ChatGPT Yes, even in a localism-based economy centered around families and extended families, the concepts of discretionary and essential spending, as well as markets, would still apply. Here’s how: Localism often emphasizes …