Category «Management»

Building a Community Hall

An Imagined Story in the heart of a small, close-knit vilage nestled amidst rolling hills and lush greenery, a collective spirit was brewing. The community, facing the harsh realities of a shrinking economy and dwindling fossil fuel resources, embarked on a remarkable journey to build a sustainable community hall reminiscent of the Amish tradition. Their …

Think of the Future as a Process, Not an End State

In the face of a shrinking economy and diminishing fossil fuel energy availability, it’s imperative to reconceptualise our understanding of the future as a process rather than an end state. This acknowledges the dynamic and interconnected nature of social, economic, and environmental systems. Thinking of the future as a process recognises that change is inevitable …


As the global economy contracts and fossil fuel resources become scarcer, organizations face increasing pressure to streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance efficiency. Delayering, the process of flattening hierarchical structures within organizations, emerges as a strategic imperative for navigating the challenges of economic contraction and reduced energy availability. This piece explores the rationale behind delayering, …

Top Down Planning

In an era of shrinking economies and diminishing fossil fuel availability, traditional top-down planning approaches face unprecedented challenges, requiring a fundamental rethink of governance structures and decision-making processes. Top-down planning, characterized by centralised authority, bureaucratic inertia, and limited public participation, is ill-suited to address the complex and interconnected challenges posed by climate change, resource depletion, …