Category «Local Community»


In the contemporary era, communities encounter distinctive challenges marked by depleting resources and evolving economic terrains. Amidst these complexities, the imperative of cultivating self-sufficiency and resilience becomes pronounced, particularly in light of diminishing fossil fuel reservoirs and a contracting global economy. A pivotal aspect of this pursuit involves the establishment of local enterprises that address …


Cultivating Community Resilience In an era marked by economic downturns and the looming spectre of dwindling fossil fuel reserves, leisure time, once considered a luxury, takes on new significance. As traditional modes of leisure and recreation face challenges from economic constraints and reduced energy availability, local clubs, sports, and communal gardening emerge as beacons of …

Imagining a Local Economy Thriving in Self-Sufficiency

Imagine: A small town where residents are bound by a shared determination to thrive despite economic challenges. Cut off from external income sources, this community has embarked on a journey of self-sufficiency, recognizing the need to cultivate local businesses that cater to essential needs. In a world marked by shrinking economies and diminishing fossil fuel …

Extended Families

In the wake of economic downturns and diminishing fossil fuel resources, the concept of extended families is experiencing a resurgence in relevance and significance. As traditional support structures waver under the strain of economic instability and resource scarcity, extended families are stepping in to fill the gaps, offering a buffer against the harsh realities of …

The Heart of Localism: Community Care

In the tapestry of a community, the care home should be a vital thread, weaving connections that bind neighbours, families, and individuals into a resilient fabric of support and compassion. At its core, localism will find a poignant expression within care homes, where relatives, neighbours, and residents come together in a shared journey of care …

Localist Economies

Localism is a fundamental element of the future as the global economy grapples with the repercussions of shrinking fossil fuel availability. The reliance on traditional economic models fueled by non-renewable resources is no longer sustainable, necessitating a fundamental shift towards resilient, community-centric economies. In this context, the development of localist economies will emerge as a …