Category «Localism»

The Emerging Culture:  Localism

The Big Picture A remarkable transformation is underway in the shifting sands of global economics.  The traditional financial economy, focusing on GDP growth, stock markets, and fiscal policies, is gradually receding into the background.  In its place emerges a novel paradigm based not on impersonal market forces but on the intimate bonds of extended families …

The Emerging Culture:  Localism

The Big Picture A remarkable transformation is underway in the shifting sands of global economics.  The traditional financial economy, focusing on GDP growth, stock markets, and fiscal policies, is gradually receding into the background.  In its place emerges a novel paradigm based not on impersonal market forces but on the intimate bonds of extended families …

The difference between top-down systems and localism

Localisation is now pivotal, bridging cultural divides and fostering meaningful connections. A new culture of localism is emerging. Traditionally, top-down planners saw local doings as decentralisation. A variation of top-down thinking, Neighbourhood Development Plans were an example. The government decided on the big picture it wanted, and local authorities translated this into local planning policies …


In the contemporary era, communities encounter distinctive challenges marked by depleting resources and evolving economic terrains. Amidst these complexities, the imperative of cultivating self-sufficiency and resilience becomes pronounced, particularly in light of diminishing fossil fuel reservoirs and a contracting global economy. A pivotal aspect of this pursuit involves the establishment of local enterprises that address …

Harnessing Local Community Assets

As the economy shrinks and the availability of fossil fuel energy declines, the need for sustainable and resilient solutions becomes increasingly urgent. However, within these challenges lie opportunities for communities to harness their unique assets and strengths to build a more sustainable future. Communities comprise diverse assets, ranging from natural resources to social capital, infrastructure, …

Extended Families

In the wake of economic downturns and diminishing fossil fuel resources, the concept of extended families is experiencing a resurgence in relevance and significance. As traditional support structures waver under the strain of economic instability and resource scarcity, extended families are stepping in to fill the gaps, offering a buffer against the harsh realities of …

The Heart of Localism: Community Care

In the tapestry of a community, the care home should be a vital thread, weaving connections that bind neighbours, families, and individuals into a resilient fabric of support and compassion. At its core, localism will find a poignant expression within care homes, where relatives, neighbours, and residents come together in a shared journey of care …

Localist Economies

Localism is a fundamental element of the future as the global economy grapples with the repercussions of shrinking fossil fuel availability. The reliance on traditional economic models fueled by non-renewable resources is no longer sustainable, necessitating a fundamental shift towards resilient, community-centric economies. In this context, the development of localist economies will emerge as a …