Category «Economy»

The Jevons Paradox

The Jevons Paradox, named after the English economist William Stanley Jevons, describes a counterintuitive economic phenomenon in which improvements in the efficiency of resource use lead to an overall increase rather than a decrease in resource consumption. This occurs because the increased efficiency lowers the effective cost of using the resource, which can lead to …

The Emerging Culture:  Localism

The Big Picture A remarkable transformation is underway in the shifting sands of global economics.  The traditional financial economy, focusing on GDP growth, stock markets, and fiscal policies, is gradually receding into the background.  In its place emerges a novel paradigm based not on impersonal market forces but on the intimate bonds of extended families …

The Emerging Culture:  Localism

The Big Picture A remarkable transformation is underway in the shifting sands of global economics.  The traditional financial economy, focusing on GDP growth, stock markets, and fiscal policies, is gradually receding into the background.  In its place emerges a novel paradigm based not on impersonal market forces but on the intimate bonds of extended families …