Category «Care»

Alternative Health Practices

As the economy contracts and energy costs continue to rise, the National Health Service (NHS) faces a challenging future marked by difficult decisions and resource constraints. The NHS, a cornerstone of the United Kingdom’s social fabric, is tasked with providing healthcare services to all citizens regardless of their financial means. However, during economic downturns and …

The Heart of Localism: Community Care

In the tapestry of a community, the care home should be a vital thread, weaving connections that bind neighbours, families, and individuals into a resilient fabric of support and compassion. At its core, localism will find a poignant expression within care homes, where relatives, neighbours, and residents come together in a shared journey of care …


In the context of shrinking economies and diminishing fossil fuel availability, poverty is a pressing concern that demands innovative solutions and renewed commitment from policymakers, civil society, and the private sector. Poverty, characterized by inadequate access to basic necessities such as food, shelter, healthcare, and education, is a moral imperative and a barrier to sustainable …